Project Brief

Welcome to my blogbook for my Negotiated Portfolio; the final module of my Ba(Hons) Journalism degree.

Please make sure you head right back to the oldest posts in order to see all of my thought processes and research, or if you prefer, click the tags relevant to the articles within the portfolio which can be found to the right hand side of the blog.

Many Thanks,
Emma x

Project Brief

In this unit you will be required to produce an 8,000-word (or equivalent) portfolio of journalistic work that is targeted at existing publications and online media outlets, together with a log book or blog that documents your research and decision making process and a critique of your work.

Using the core journalistic skills already accrued on the course you will be expected to produce a number of pieces that demonstrate an appreciation of both audience and style. With the support of a tutor and through peer group work you will initiate ideas and develop a portfolio of marketable stories.

Your portfolio must include an appreciation of online journalism and include at least one item that is written/designed for the web. You may, if you choose to, submit a new magazine concept for part or all of this assignment.

Monday 2 May 2011

Beauty Features

The Beauty section of Cosmo is made up of articles giving beauty advice and trialling beauty products.
The product trials usually involve a review of several products that are made to do the same job to make comparisons between prices and effectiveness.
The beauty advice features aim to give advice following trends, looking after yourself during different seasons, making the most of salon or home beauty treatments or compiling lists of essential products. Input is usually given from a beauty expert or scientist specialising in the specific topic of the article.
As I am writing articles for the summer season, I plan to write this feature on self-tanning. Self-tanning is becoming a heightened part of female grooming with everyone wanting to achieve a tan without having to spend hours in the sun or on sunbeds. Fake tan, unlike sun beds and the suns UV rays, is not harmful for the skin. This will be a guide to achieving the perfect tan for women who don't have time to spend all hours in the sun to get a natural tan. I will be speaking to beauty expert Caroline Pellant who specialises in tanning. I will be asking questions in order to compile a list of do’s and don’ts before salon or self-tanning as well as after care advice. I will also research any products recommended by Caroline and provide information about them.
This feature will be a single page article.
I also plan on writing an article on the perfect wax. This is also because of the upcoming summer season, and waxing becomes a lot more popular around this time because women are more likely to have more skin on show. I am a trained beauty therapist so I already have my background information and will hopefully be able to interview mobile beauty therapist Lesley Devlin of Lomond Beauty, Scotland,  for her expert advice. This will be quite similar to the tanning feature discussed for the beauty section in the magazine; it will include the important do’s and don’ts as well as recommended products, written in the style for online.

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