Project Brief

Welcome to my blogbook for my Negotiated Portfolio; the final module of my Ba(Hons) Journalism degree.

Please make sure you head right back to the oldest posts in order to see all of my thought processes and research, or if you prefer, click the tags relevant to the articles within the portfolio which can be found to the right hand side of the blog.

Many Thanks,
Emma x

Project Brief

In this unit you will be required to produce an 8,000-word (or equivalent) portfolio of journalistic work that is targeted at existing publications and online media outlets, together with a log book or blog that documents your research and decision making process and a critique of your work.

Using the core journalistic skills already accrued on the course you will be expected to produce a number of pieces that demonstrate an appreciation of both audience and style. With the support of a tutor and through peer group work you will initiate ideas and develop a portfolio of marketable stories.

Your portfolio must include an appreciation of online journalism and include at least one item that is written/designed for the web. You may, if you choose to, submit a new magazine concept for part or all of this assignment.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Waxing Article Interview and Information

Lesley Devlin is beauty expert who runs the popular Lomond Beauty in Scotland.
I asked for her advice on the following topics regarding waxing for an online article:
·         Preparing for waxing
·         Home waxing tips
·         Waxing After Care
·         Recommended products
These were her responses:
Preparing for waxing
“it is important the area is clean before waxing to make the treatment more effective and to prevent infection.”
“Removal of greasy products such as body butters and fresh fake tan will also help create a more effective wax”
“Whether you are home waxing or waxing in a salon it is important to wear loose clothing t allow the skin to breathe before and after treatment”
“For best effects, hair should be at least ¼ inch long.”
“Try taking an aspirin 45 minutes before the treatment. It will help reduce pain as well as reduce the risk of inflammation”
“Try to avoid waxing during your period. Your body will be a lot more sensitive and, as well as the pain being a lot worse, the after effects such as a rash or inflammation may increase.”
Home waxing tips
“When waxing always apply wax or strip with the direction of hair and remove wax or strip away from the direction of hair growth. If you are unsure then pat some talcum powder onto your legs to make the hairs more visible and stroke the hairs to get judgement of which way they are growing.”
“When using prepared strips, make sure they are heated properly. You can do this by either causing friction by rubbing the strip between your hands or popping on top of a warm radiator for a few minutes”
Waxing after care
“Try to avoid exfoliation for 48 hours. Waxing will remove the top layer of skin, which also the job of the exfoliator. The skin needs time to heal and soothe and exfoliation will irritate it.”
“Try to avoid sun or a lot of heat in places such as saunas or steam rooms. The heat can cause hyper-pigmentation to the sensitive area which is a permanent darkening of the skin.”
“Regular exfoliation once the skin has healed for 2-3 times a week will help remove dead skin cells and prevent ingrowing hairs.”
“If you are prone to ingrowing hairs you can use an ingrow solution which will ease this”
“Regular wax treatments every 4-6 weeks will ensure top grooming and your body will get used to the sensation and you will finding healing will become a lot quicker.”
“After any sort of wax on the bikini area such as bikini line or Brazilian, you should avoid sex for at least 10 hours” The heat, friction and stickyness can cause ingrowing hairs or even infection. Make sure the area is healed properly first.”
“Using a tea tree or witch hazel products on the area post waxing can soothe the skin and help heal.”
Recommended Products
·         Nads Xfol Follicle Release Scrub/Exfoliator - £9.99
·         Grace Cole Tea Tree and Witch hazel soothing body butter- £3.59
·         Nads Ingrow Solutions - £7.87
·         Veet Ready to use wax strips -£6.42
·         Veet sensitive wax strips - £6.49
·         (Veet products are currently 2 for £9.99 at Boots stores

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