Project Brief

Welcome to my blogbook for my Negotiated Portfolio; the final module of my Ba(Hons) Journalism degree.

Please make sure you head right back to the oldest posts in order to see all of my thought processes and research, or if you prefer, click the tags relevant to the articles within the portfolio which can be found to the right hand side of the blog.

Many Thanks,
Emma x

Project Brief

In this unit you will be required to produce an 8,000-word (or equivalent) portfolio of journalistic work that is targeted at existing publications and online media outlets, together with a log book or blog that documents your research and decision making process and a critique of your work.

Using the core journalistic skills already accrued on the course you will be expected to produce a number of pieces that demonstrate an appreciation of both audience and style. With the support of a tutor and through peer group work you will initiate ideas and develop a portfolio of marketable stories.

Your portfolio must include an appreciation of online journalism and include at least one item that is written/designed for the web. You may, if you choose to, submit a new magazine concept for part or all of this assignment.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Transgender Profile Inteview & Ethical considerations

Ethical Considerations
Within this article i need to make sure I am ethically aware of certain points.
I have already discussed with Ryan the possibility of anonymity and any information he would not wish to be enclosed. Ryan is happy to be named and any information he provdes to be used within the final article.

I will also have to be careful when referencing transgender or similar people as to not use any terms that could cause offence and in order to make sure no further offence is caused I must check all information and facts.
These are the questions to be asked to Ryan Gingell regarding the "Transgender article"
1.       Can you explain to people who may not be fully aware, of what transgender and being a transboy means?

2.       When did you first realise that this was your path in life?

3.       How did you know it was not ‘just a phase’?

4.       How did you personally deal with this? Were you confused? Scared?

5.       Did you ever try to hide it because you were scared etc?

6.       Did you have to fight against any prejudice? What was the worst example of this?

7.       How have your family dealt with this? Has it been difficult to gain their support? If so, why do you think this is?

8.       How have your friends dealt with this? Was their support easier to gain than your families?

9.       Where has your best support come from?

10.   Was your decision to study at Brighton a conscious one because of the accepting nature of the city compared to other places?

11.   Was it difficult to be able to begin treatment? Or is it available to anybody?

12.   Can you explain to us how progressed your treatment is?

13.   What is the next step for your treatment? How long do you expect the treatment to go on?

14.   Do you have any regrets?

15.   Do you have any advice for people who might think they are in the same position as you?

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